The dotAfrica Foundation

Establishment of the dotAfrica Foundation encourages the participation of the African stakeholder community, including ccTLDs, Registrars, Technical Communities, Governments and Business in coordinating ICT related Socio-Economic and Enterprise Development initiatives in Africa and ensuring that surplus dotAfrica funds are applied towards pre-defined developmental projects in Africa, under suitable terms.

  • Establishing a Centre of Excellence to identify and develop DNS expertise in Africa.
  • Promote African thought leadership, technical innovation and develop and share capacity and resources within African TLDs.

  • Statistics indicate that of the more than 1000 ICANN-accredited Registrars only 5 (five) are based in Africa.
  • The growth and development of a competitive and competent Registrar market in Africa will directly benefit African ccTLDs, promote enterprise development and increase the accessibility to basic Internet resources and infrastructure to the public.

  • Supporting and promoting the role of AFTLD through the dotAFRICA Foundation.
  • Sharing technology, know-how and resources.

  • Utilising dotAfrica as an opportunity to promote African content development.
  • Partnering with content providers, social media vendors, governments and NGOs to drive content development and community buy in.